At the Robert Moss BLOG

Dreams and Doubles – Thorstein and the Fylgja

September 14, 2024

I am back in the Iceland of the sagas. In the Vatnsdal Saga, the chronicle of a Norwegian family that moved to northern Iceland before Christianization, we read about dream visitations and the need to listen to a dream advisory, especially when it comes from a fylgja, or companion spirit. 

Groa the witch invites Thorstein to a banquet. However, three nights before he is due to leave home, he dreams he receives a visitation from a fylgja, in this case his family’s protective spirit. She appears in human form and asks him not to go to the witch’s house. He objects that he promised to be at the feast. She responds, “It seems unwise to me, and harm will befall you from this.” She appears for three nights in succession, scolding him for not heeding her warning. She touches his eyes as if to tell him he must open them and see clearly. 

One to One with Robert Moss

A recent interview with Jon Wilson for his “Jung and the World” podcast


Available Now!


I am thrilled to announce that my new book GROWING BIG DREAMS will be published by New World Library on September 29. My aim is to help us all use the gateways of dreams and imagination to get through hard times and grow our visions of a larger, more abundant life so strong that they will take root in the world. Surely a book for our times and our condition. It’s available for pre-order now.

Here’s a fun note on the pre-history: A year ago, I had a clear vision in the space between sleep and awake of the manuscript of my new book being delivered to my door in a baby basket.

July 6, 2019: Hypnapompic zone

Baby Basket at My Door

Someone is at the door, making a delivery. I go to the door and look out into a narrow street of whitewashed houses, flooded with sunlight. At my door someone has left a baby basket. Really? I look more closely. Instead of a baby there is a bundle of typed pages, neatly stacked and tied with both pink and blue ribbons. I know this is the next book I will publish. Feelings: happy, excited

At that point I had not decided what my next book would be or made a publishing plan. After I shared my dream and the drawing with my wonderful editor Georgia Ann Hughes we agreed on a plan for the book.  GROWING BIG DREAMS, which contains a chapter on the creative gifts of hanging out in that liminal space between sleep and awake, was officially published on September 29. The audiobook version, narrated by me, is available on Audible.


Dream Teacher Trainings Online

LEVEL 3: October 9-November 20, 2024
Level 1: February 4- March 25, 2025
Level 2: June 10-July 22, 2025
Level 3: September 17-October 29, 2025
Mastery: May 7–June 18, 2025

Presented by Alternatives, London, UK
Starts Tuesday, October 15 ONLINE
3-PART COURSE: Dreaming with the Masters

Listen and call in to Robert LIVE every second Tuesday of the month at 9-10am Pacific Time (Noon-1pm Eastern Time) or listen to recent shows anywhere, anytime at, or download archived radio programs HERE

Next Show: Tuesday, October 8

Robert’s online courses for The Shift Network are available as downloadable packages of recordings and transcript at affordable prices. (Completion of one or more courses fulfills a prerequisite for acceptance for Dream Teacher Training.)