Online Courses at The Shift Network
18-Week Live Video Training starts Thursday, August 8
on The Shift Network
I hope you’ll join me for my brand-new 18-week course on The Shift Network that starts on Thursday, August 8!
“Everything we formulate in the imagination, if we formulate it strongly enough,
realizes itself in the circumstances of our life,
acting either through our own souls, or through the spirits of nature.”
–William Butler Yeats
The word “imaginal” refers to the productions of true imagination, as opposed to idle fancy. We learn in this trailblazing course that there are places in the imagination – or Imaginal Realm – that are entirely real, and that we can go there, meet remarkable teachers, have extraordinary adventures, and bring back gifts. We confirm that the body believes in images, and that our dreams and imaginations are marvelous factories for images the body can use to stay well or get well. Imagination, as mystics and poets know, is the great faculty of soul. In this course we are going to bring more vital soul energy into our bodies, remember more of the soul’s purpose, and meet and marry our many selves.
Dream growing, as we will learn and practice it here, has two aspects. We can grow a dream of fulfilling our heart’s desires and living our bigger story so strong it wants to take root in the world. When we do this, we find that the wind is at our back and the road rises to meet us. Growing a big dream of this kind, as the kahunas of Hawaii teach, requires us to satisfy the Higher Self that our intentions are worthy and make the body believe that we are for real.
We can also help to grow a dream for someone who is in need of a dream – a vision of life possibilities, a healing image, even a road to the next life. The original techniques of dream transfer that Robert has developed draw on the wisdom of the ancient shamanic healers who knew we can change the health of the body and our experience of the world by telling a better story about it.
We’ll deepen our practice of the core techniques of Active Dreaming, Robert’s powerful and original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanic ways of shifting consciousness and recognizing the spirit realm – and expand all the apps. We’ll be guided by Jung’s observation that “dreaming is a meeting with ourselves” and his discovery that dreams have their own life: that “a dream is an animal” that is loose in the world and changing things as you speak about it.
Robert has led online, multi-week courses through The Shift Network since 2014. Downloadable packages of recordings and transcripts of these courses are available at affordable prices (completion of one or more courses fulfills a prerequisite for acceptance for Robert’s Dream Teacher Training)
Recent courses
Time Travel and Reality Creation in the Multiverse: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/ttRM/mossdreams/
Shamanic Lucid Dreaming: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/sldcRM/mossdreams/
Dreaming Your Mythic Life: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/dmlRM/mossdreams/
Dream Journeys Beyond the Veil: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/djcRM/mossdreams/
Shamanic Dreaming With Goddesses of Rebirth: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/sdgrRM/mossdreams/
Adventures for Healing in the Dreamtime: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/ahRM/mossdreams/
Earlier courses
Dreaming the Soul Back Home: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/dshRM/mossdreams/
Dreaming Your Soul into Life: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/dslRM/mossdreams/
Dreaming Wide Awake: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/dwaRM/mossdreams/
Quantum Dreaming: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/qdcRM/mossdreams/
Living Your Mythic Edge: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/lmeRM/mossdreams/
Active Dreaming: The Essential Training: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/adtRM/mossdreams/
Dancing with the Bear: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/dwbRM/mossdreams/
The Soul Recovery Training: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/srtRM/mossdreams/
Shamanic Approaches to Death, Dying & the Afterlife: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/ddaRM/mossdreams/
School of Imaginal Healing: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/sihRM/mossdreams/
The School of Dream Growing: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/sdgRM/mossdreams/
The Dreamer’s School of Soul: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/dssRM/mossdreams/
Dreaming into the Dreamtime: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/ddRM/mossdreams/
Founded in 2010, The Shift Network empowers a global movement of people who are creating an evolutionary shift of consciousness that in turn leads to a more enlightened society, one built on principles of peace, sustainability, health, and prosperity. Through online summits and courses, The Shift Network has served more than 530,000 worldwide who are committed to shifting our world’s operating system.
Watch full video HERE