Monday-Friday, August 22-26



Mosswood Hollow, Duvall, Washington



Mosswood Hollow Retreat Center (think a cross between Narnia and Hogwarts), 45 minutes from Seattle and Sea-Tac airport. 20215 320 Ave NE, Duvall WA  98019 .  Be forewarned: the meals and TLC you will receive may be the best on the planet.

TUITION: $995 if paid in full by July 15, 2022, $1150 thereafter

Contact Mosswood Hollow. Email: email [email protected]) or register at  Tel:  425-844-9050

Our genial hosts will also arrange your transportation (if needed) from SEA-TAC airport.

All participants must be fully vaccinated against Covid. All Mosswood staff will be fully vaccinated too.

Reserved for dream ambassadors who have completed level 3 of Robert’s Dream Teacher Training

We gather again for the first time since 2019 at magical Moss wood Hollow, where our dreams are so beuti9fully nurtured and fed. We will journey beyond our previous maps in our second five-day Masterclass in the company of dream teachers from all over the world. This retreat is reserved for graduates of the Level 3 Dream Teacher Training

We will test-fly new techniques, and embark on group journeys to explore the Many Worlds. We’ll deepen our practice of imaginal healing, vision transfer and soul recovery. We’ll delight in creative expression in many forms – through performance and theater, through drawing and writing, storytelling and spontaneous ritual. We’ll play fabulous synchronicity games. We’ll deepen our knowledge of the role of dreaming in the history, past and future, of all things human. We’ll stage group experiments to confirm and apply our “supernormal” abilities – precognition, telepathy and clairsentience.

We’ll practice the arts and skills of quantum dreaming, and learn how to bring them to others. As quantum dreamers, we can step in and out of time and bring gifts and lessons from other times – including our parallel lives – into this one. We’ll operate in the knowledge that we live in a conscious universe where everything is alive and connected, where mind and matter interweave. We’ll hatch new experiments in time travel and reality creation, and we’ll pay games to entertain our creative genius and bring its energy into fullness in our bodies and our lives.. 

We’ll be fed and tended better than most of us thought possible before we found Mosswood Hollow, nestled in the greenwoods 45 minutes from Seattle. Our days will start with sharing dreams and life stories at the breakfast table. We’ll grow our heart-centered family as our gathering streams into afternoon rambles and berry-picking and evening conversation and informal concerts. We’ll help each other, as dream teachers, to grow our audiences and our tools for marketing and manifestation. We’ll grow visions of bright possibility for our lives, our communities and our world.